Cygnet Hospital

Mental Health Services in London
Mental Health Services in London Cygnet is dedicated to continuously improving the quality of care to our patients and in maintaining high standards through clinical leadership and a positive organisational culture that puts the patient at the middle of care. Audit reports are made available to the Mental Health Act Commission, Healthcare Commission and Commission for Social Care and Inspection on all visits. Cygnet meets all legislative needs. As an organisation, we both reply to and evaluate new legislation, and ensure we continue to supply the very highest care in each unit.

Contact Details

22 Corfton Road
W5 2HT
Driving Directions

From Website

Cygnet Hospital
read moreCygnet Health Care was established in 1988. Since then we have developed a wide range of services for individuals with mental health needs, autism and learning disabilities within the UK. We have built...
Personality Disorder Services
read moreOur national network of specialist personality disorder services offers over 250 beds across 13 services which provide medium secure and low secure, emergency, Tier 4 inpatient, highly specialised CCG...
Eating Disorder Services
read moreCygnet Health Care provides highly specialised eating disorder services for women aged over 18, including those with extremely low BMIs. We also specialise in treating individuals who have a dual diagnosis...